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For example, if your post or comment asks for upvotes, it will be removed. Following the Rules of Reddit is required. I still enjoy playing with the trainer turned on - in fact, I can't imagine playing without it anymore, especially for passing assistance.Users may be subject to temporary bans for breaking any of the main subreddit rules, at the sole discretion of the moderators.įollowing Reddiquette is encouraged. I also wished it cycled through some controls a second time instead of just assuming I'll remember a certain button combination indefinitely. I still found this feature to level off at a certain point, leaving me wanting more from it.

It's a graphical overlay that guides you through the various controls at your disposal and aims to encourage you to try out different maneuvers too. The on-ice trainer that debuted last year is back and deeper. For the most part, I'm finding the AI is more aware of team aspects of the game, which really helps me personally because I like playing NHL games the way hockey is supposed to be played - and less like a video-game version of the sport, if that makes sense.

I'm not noticing nearly as many passes to unmanned points or cycles to empty corners of the ice. Player positioning has also received a solid refinement too. Players don't stall while getting the puck to their stick as much as they used to, and it definitely speeds up the overall pace of the game. The most immediately noticeable improvement I was able to sniff out was puck pick-ups.