3dxchat beta
3dxchat beta

  • You can now enable and disable nameplates in the game settings (cool).
  • There is a Metallic Lips style shine and a skin shine setting in the character editor.
  • 3dxchat beta

    The deletion of virtual partners in the apartments has been fixed.Adding virtual partners in apartments also benefits from a change to the user interface.The clothes window also has a new user interface allowing the taking off or putting on of chosen clothes to be done in one click.Also global presets of Low, Medium and High are available. Now you can disable and enable visual effects independently to each other.The character selection screen has a new user interface and now you can instantly move to any location.The RGB color palette will be available for some types of existing clothing that didn’t have it before.As with the locations and objects, both materials and textures of clothing will use the physically based rendering technique.There are new scenic views outside the windows of the apartments.There has been a fix to the re-spawn of virtual partners and players in apartments.

    3dxchat beta

    3DXChat 2.0 open beta now also includes a new realistic water effect.Available time of day presets are day, night, dawn, dusk and cloudy weather.Each player can customise the time of day without synchronising to the server. This means that you can have whatever settings you want independent of other players choices. The new real time global illumination effect which is on all outdoor locations allows a visual change to the the time of day.The materials and textures of both locations and objects will be processed under the physically based rendering technique.GPU Skinning (Available on DirectX 11/12 mode only).This reduces load time for texture GPU uploads on the main thread. Asynchronous loading of Texture Data from the disk drive and enables time-sliced upload to the GPU on the Render-Thread.Colour correction presets enabling you to further customise the look and feel of the game by controlling the vibrancy.

    3dxchat beta 3dxchat beta

    Updated more physical based post-effects like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO), Screen Space Real-Time Reflections, Bloom and Depth of Field.Although the game will run on older DirectX 9 adapters not all of the visuals will be available. Additional support for DirectX 11 with support for DirectX 12 in the future.There are new highly optimized next-generation physical based graphic rendered visuals, allowing you experience incredible beauty and film quality like effects.

    3dxchat beta